Why pay attention to your dreams?
Dreams are the way our unconscious processes what happens to us when we sleep.
Our unconscious speaks to us primarily through symbols and images.
Our dreams are a rich source of intuitive wisdom.
By attending to our dreams, we can achieve significant personal and spiritual growth.
What does this dream workshop offer you?
During the four-session workshop:
- Session one focuses on what is active imagination and how it assists us with dream work.
- Sessions two and three explores 16 methods to work with dreams.
- Session four looks at specific dream symbols that commonly occur in dreams: shadow, persona, animus and anima.
Come along and learn practical skills to unlock their meaning and transform your life.
Fullness of Life workshops can be adapted to meet the specific needs of individuals and organisations.
Fullness of Life workshops can be adapted to meet the specific needs of individuals and organisations.
This workshop (four, two-hour sessions) is available to groups and organisations on request.